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"This heat has been most unkind to my poor flowers. Look at how their petals wilt!"

Aideen is a young woman of refined taste and Victorian sensibilities (or lack there-of). She seeks companions of refinement and intellect, who enjoy discussing the more cultured aspects of life: the arts, philosophy. However, she also enjoys romance novels, and secretly desires for her knight to come and sweep her off her feet. She initially lives alone, with her ridiculously large and fluffy cat, Baron Munchington who, although he is not one for intellectual conversation, nor of particularly fine deportment, she absolutely adores him. She initially comes across as something of a snob, the sort who looks down on the farmer, and pretty much everyone else in Pelican Town, as being uncivilized, but like most of our beloved villagers, she will grow in acceptance as you get to know her.


Spring and Fall
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
7:00 AM Aideen's House
9:00 AM East Scarp
4:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
9:00 AM Cindersap Forest
2:00 PM Evelyn's House
7:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
10:00 AM Visits Del's grave with Jacob
4:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
9:00 AM Mountains
4:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
7:00 AM Aideen's House
9:00 AM East Scarp
5:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
9:00 AM Cindersap Forest
2:00 PM Evelyn's House
7:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
10:00 AM Visits Del's grave with Jacob
4:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
9:00 AM Mountains
4:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
7:00 AM Aideen's House
4:00 PM East Scarp
6:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
9:00 AM Cindersap Forest
2:00 PM Evelyn's House
7:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
10:00 AM Visits Del's grave with Jacob
4:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed
7:00 AM Aideen's House
9:00 AM Mountains
4:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed

7:00 AM Aideen's House
4:00 PM East Scarp
6:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed

9:00 AM East Scarp
6:00 PM Bus Stop
9:00 AM Cindersap Forest
4:00 PM Evelyn's House
9:00 PM Bus Stop
9:00 AM Mountains
2:00 PM Town
5:00 PM Evelyn's House
9:00 PM Bus Stop

Spring 12th
7:00 AM Aideen's House
10:00 AM Helping Evelyn with the flowers in town
4:30 PM Evelyn's House
7:00 PM Aideen's House
9:00 PM In Bed

Gift Tastes


"This is absolutely splendid! I adore it."
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Aideen Happy.png Universal Loves
Blue Jazz.png Blue Jazz The flower grows in a sphere to invite as many butterflies as possible.

Bird of Paradise Flower.png Bird of Paradise Flower This exotic flower resembles a colorful bird.

Elvish Jewelry.png Elvish Jewelry Dirty but still beautiful. On the side is a flowing script thought by some to be the ancient language of the elves. No Elvish bones have ever been found.

Ornamental Fan.png Ornamental Fan This exquisute fan most likely belonged to a noblewoman. Historians believe that the valley was a popular sixth-era vacation spot for the wealthy.


"This is wonderful, and I am grateful."
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Aideen Happy.png Universal Likes (Except Beer, Cauliflower, Cheese Cauliflower, and Pizza)
All Flowers
Baryte.png Baryte The best specimens resemble a desert rose.


"Thank you."
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Aideen.png Universal Neutrals


"Why are you presenting me this wretched thing?"
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Aideen Concerned.png Universal Dislikes


"How dare you give this to me? It's frightful!"
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Aideen Concerned.png Universal Hates
Beer.png Beer Drink in moderation.

Cauliflower.png Cauliflower Valuable, but slow-growing. Despite its pale color, the florets are packed with nutrients.

Cheese Cauliflower.png Cheese Cauliflower It smells great!

Cooking Cauliflower.png Cauliflower (1)

Cheese.png Cheese (1)

Pizza.png Pizza It's popular for all the right reasons.

Cooking Wheat Flour.png Wheat Flour (1)

Tomato.png Tomato (1)
Cheese.png Cheese (1)

Movie Theater Tastes


Image Name Season/Year
'Wumbus'.png Wumbus Summer, Y2
'The Zuzu City Express'.png Zuzu City Express Winter, Y2

Image Name Season/Year

Image Name Season/Year
'Mysterium'.png Mysterium Fall, Y1
'It Howls In The Rain'.png It Howls in the Rain Fall, Y2


Image Name Price
Jasmine Tea.png Jasmine Tea  Gold Coin.png50g
Panzanella Salad.png Panzanella Salad  Gold Coin.png200g
Cappuccino Mousse Cake.png Cappuccino Mousse Cake  Gold Coin.png220g

Image Name Price
Stardrop Sorbet.png Stardrop Sorbet  Gold Coin.png1250g
Truffle Popcorn.png Truffle Popcorn  Gold Coin.png180g

Image Name Price
Rock Candy.png Rock Candy  Gold Coin.png150g
Salted Peanuts.png Salted Peanuts  Gold Coin.png120g


Two Hearts

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

ID: 57871001
Time: Any
Map: Aideen's house, if Aideen is present
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Description: Aideen complains about having no guest for her shared room and asks the farmer for advice:

It’s early days yet. (+15 friendship)

This is hardly a vacation spot. (-25 friendship)

Maybe you're being too picky. (-25 friendship)

I hear you're looking for a suitor. (No effect on friendship)

Four Hearts

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: Any
Map: Aideen's house
Season: Any except Winter
Weather: Any
Extra: Aideen will send a letter in the mail requesting certain flowers. Event will trigger when the player enters her house with the flowers in their inventory. This event teaches you how to craft an item.

Six Hearts

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Map: East Scarp
Season: Any
Weather: Any

Eight Hearts

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: Any
Map: Aideen's house
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Aideen must be home. Must have seen her six heart event.

Ten Hearts

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png

Time: Morning
Map: Aideen's house
Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Weather: Not raining
Extra: A letter will be sent out with the details.

Fourteen Hearts

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png

Time: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Map: Town
Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Weather: Not raining
Extra: Must be married to Aideen.
Must have either Reset Terrain Features or Destroyable Bushes installed.

Bonus Event

Special Order event when you complete her daffodil quest. Rewards with new crop (Bird of Paradise Flower).

Rival Hearts

Must not be dating Mateo or Aideen to trigger below events.

Part One

Time: 12:00PM - 6:00PM
Map: East Scarp
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Must have one heart with Mateo. Must have four hearts with Aideen.

Part Two

Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Map: East Scarp
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Must seen previous event. Must have two hearts with Mateo.

Part Three

Time: 11:00AM - 4:00PM
Map: East Scarp
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Must seen previous event. Must have four hearts with Mateo.

Part Four

Time: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Map: East Scarp
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Must seen previous event. Must have eight hearts with Mateo and Aideen. Must be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Part Five

Time: 6:00PM - 11:00PM
Map: Saloon
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Must seen previous event. Must be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
