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Juliet is a troubled young woman exiled to Pelican Town to "sort herself out" after her disobedience and recklessness resulted in tragedy (and a criminal record). She has a sharp-tongue and a flirty, irrepressible nature which can lead her further into trouble. As part of her "sentence", she works as a wage-slave at JojaMart.  Where Morris tolerates her somewhat unprofessional manner - if only because he has no choice in the matter. Despite her devil-may-care exterior, Juliet does care, perhaps a little too much. Juliet plays the drums, both because she enjoys music (particularly the heavier kind), and as an outlet for her frustrations with the world and herself.

She lives in Jessie's Lodging House and the two of them share rotating counter duties at the Joja Mart, except on rainy days, when Shane works the counter instead and the two women spend "quality time" together in the morning. If installed, Jade will move into the house with them.

Juliet only becomes datable once you complete the Community Center, and it is an essential element in her 14-heart event. She is also datable for the Flower Dance, allowing the farmer to dance with her.


7:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Lodging House
1:00PM Lodging House
3:00PM Town
5:00PM JojaMart
11:00PM In Bed

Spring 15th
7:00AM Lodging House
9:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Vineyard
1:00PM Beach
6:00PM Saloon
12:00AM In Bed

Winter 17th
6:20AM Lodging House
7:00AM Town
8:50AM JojaMart
5:00PM Beach
12:00AM In Bed

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
6:20AM Lodging House
7:00AM Town
8:50AM JojaMart
5:00PM Town
12:00AM In Bed
7:00AM Lodging House
9:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Vineyard
1:00PM Beach
6:00PM Saloon
12:00AM In Bed
7:00AM Lodging House
9:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Pierre's Shop
4:00PM Town
5:00PM JojaMart
11:00PM Town
12:00AM In Bed

If Joja Closes

7:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Lodging House
1:00PM Lodging House
3:00PM Town
5:00PM Community Center
11:00PM In Bed

Winter 17th
6:20AM Lodging House
7:00AM Town
9:30AM Community Center
2:30PM Community Center
5:00PM Beach
12:00AM In Bed

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
6:20AM Lodging House
7:00AM Town
9:30AM Community Center
5:00PM Town
12:00AM In Bed
7:00AM Lodging House
9:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Vineyard
1:00PM Beach
6:00PM Saloon
12:00AM In Bed
7:00AM Lodging House
9:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Pierre's Shop
2:00PM Town
5:00PM Town
11:00PM Town
12:00AM In Bed

7:00AM Town
9:30AM Community Center
11:30AM Community Center
2:30PM Community Center
5:00PM Lodging House
10:00PM In Bed
7:00AM Town
9:30AM Community Center
11:30AM Community Center
2:30PM Community Center
5:00PM Lodging House
10:00PM In Bed
7:00AM Vineyard
1:10PM Beach
6:00PM Saloon
12:00AM In Bed
7:00AM Vineyard
11:00AM Pierre's Shop
5:00PM Lodging House
10:00PM In Bed

Movie Theater Opens

7:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Lodging House
1:00PM Lodging House
3:00PM Town
5:00PM Community Center
11:00PM In Bed

Winter 17th
6:20AM Lodging House
7:00AM Town
9:00AM Theater Breakroom
12:00PM Theater Breakroom
2:00PM Theater Breakroom
5:00PM Beach
12:00AM In Bed

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
6:20AM Lodging House
7:00AM Theater Breakroom
12:00PM Theater Breakroom
2:00PM Theater Breakroom
5:00PM Town
12:00AM In Bed
Friday and Saturday
7:00AM Lodging House
9:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Vineyard
1:00PM Beach
6:00PM Saloon
12:00AM In Bed
7:00AM Lodging House
9:00AM Lodging House
11:00AM Pierre's Shop
2:00PM Town
5:00PM Town
10:00PM In Bed

7:00AM Town
8:50AM Theater Breakroom
12:00Pm Theater Breakroom
2:00PM Theater Breakroom
9:00PM In Bed
7:00AM Town
8:50AM Theater Breakroom
12:00PM Theater Breakroom
2:00PM Theater Breakroom
9:00PM In Bed
7:00AM Vineyard
1:10PM Beach
6:00PM Saloon
12:00AM In Bed
7:00AM Vineyard
11:00AM Pierre's Shop
5:00PM Lodging House
10:00PM In Bed

Gift Tastes


Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Juliet.png Universal Loves
Poppy.png Poppy In addition to its colorful flower, the Poppy has culinary and medicinal uses.

Red Mushroom.png Red Mushroom A spotted mushroom sometimes found in caves.

Green Tea.png Green Tea A pleasant, energizing beverage made from lightly processed tea leaves.

Poppyseed Muffin.png Poppyseed Muffin It has a soothing effect.

Maple Bar.png Maple Bar It's a sweet doughnut topped with a rich maple glaze.


Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Juliet.png Universal Likes
Wine.png Wine Drink in moderation.

Apple.png Apple A crisp fruit used for juice and cider.

Maple Syrup.png Maple Syrup A sweet syrup with a unique flavor.

Beer.png Beer Drink in moderation.

Holly.png Holly The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration.


Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Juliet.png Universal Neutrals


Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Juliet.png Universal Dislikes
All Fish
Tomato.png Tomato Rich and slightly tangy, the Tomato has a wide variety of culinary uses.

Eggplant Parmesan.png Eggplant Parmesan Tangy, cheesy, and wonderful.

Cooking Eggplant.png Eggplant (1)

Tomato.png Tomato (1)


Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Juliet.png Universal Hates
Crab.png Crab A marine crustacean with two powerful pincers.

Shrimp.png Shrimp A scavenger that feeds off the ocean floor. Widely prized for its meat.

Pumpkin.png Pumpkin A fall favorite, grown for its crunchy seeds and delicately flavored flesh. As a bonus, the hollow shell can be carved into a festive decoration.

Movie Theater Tastes


Image Name Season/Year
'Mysterium'.png Mysterium Fall, Y1
'It Howls In The Rain'.png It Howls in the Rain Fall, Y2

Image Name Season/Year
'The Brave Little Sapling'.png Brave Little Sapling Spring, Y1

Image Name Season/Year
'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png Miracle at Coldstar Ranch Winter, Y1


Image Name Price
Sour Slimes.png Sour Slimes  Gold Coin.png80g
Personal Pizza.png Personal Pizza  Gold Coin.png150g
Nachos.png Nachos  Gold Coin.png100g
Stardrop Sorbet.png Stardrop Sorbet  Gold Coin.png1250g
Black Licorice.png Black Licorice  Gold Coin.png25g

Image Name Price
Ice Cream Sandwich.png Ice Cream Sandwich  Gold Coin.png150g
Popcorn.png Popcorn  Gold Coin.png120g
Chocolate Popcorn.png Chocolate Popcorn  Gold Coin.png1130g

Image Name Price
Hummus Snack Pack.png Hummus Snack Pack  Gold Coin.png90g
Kale Smoothie.png Kale Smoothie  Gold Coin.png120g
Salmon Burger.png Salmon Burger  Gold Coin.png150g

Heart Events

Four Hearts Part One

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

ID: 86571101
Time: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Map: Town
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Must be a weekday.
Description: In this event Juliet gets to know her new dog Gremlin for the first time.
Answer options: 1. I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scare her. (+25 friendship) - 2. What do you mean charging? (no friendship) - 3. You shouldn't be encouraging vermin. (-50 friendship)

Four Hearts Part Two

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

ID: 86571141
Time: 5:00PM - 8:00PM
Map: Town
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Must see part one.
Description: Juliet is not convinced, that she will be a good dog mama. So she wants Gremlin to go to the player.
Answer options: 1. Sure, she's cute! (+25 friendship) - 2. I think she's chosen you, Juliet. (+50 friendship) - 3. No, why would I? (-50 friendship)

Six Hearts (JoJa Route)

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Map: Town
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Must seen previous events. Must be a weekday.

Six Hearts (Community Center)

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Map: Town
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Must seen previous events. Must be a weekday.

Eight Hearts Part One (Community Center)

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: Any
Map: Town
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Must seen previous events.

Eight Hearts Part Two (Community Center)

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: 5:00PM - 11:00PM
Map: Beach
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Must seen previous events. Must have wine in inventory.

Ten Hearts

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png

Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Map: Bus Stop
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Must received letter with invite.

Fourteen Hearts

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png


Bonus Events

If JojaMart closes, there is an event when you enter town on a sunny day.
If JojaMart closes, there is an event on your farm the day after it closes.
After Movie Theater is built, an event will trigger at night in town with Rosa and Juliet.