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Kataryna works for Cryptozoology Today, a "journal" (it's really more of a tabloid) specializing in information about crypids: ie, creatures and beings from folklore, plus extinct animals that may still be around. She is first met in one Oliver's heart event, and will come to the valley once Josephine leaves, to stay in the inn. Why is she here? What secret is she here to uncover? Will she find friendship or resistance? She's stubborn and driven, and quick to the point. She doesn't suffer fools or indecision, and appears lacking in empathy. But is there more to her beneath the surface?

She is a big supporter of Jasper's work, mostly because he's written numerous submissions for her magazine (they also have a common nemesis, sorry Cameron).

Kataryna first comes to visit for her research and will neither accept gifts, nor appear on your social menu. After a series of events, you can choose if you want her to stay, or to let her leave town. If you persuade her to stay, she will start accepting gifts, and at that point can be befriended to 10 hearts before life events will draw her back to the city (unless you elect to marry her).

Kataryna will originally show up on the 15th of each season, and wander around town. The best place to catch her is the saloon, where she attempts to loosen the lips of locals by supplying them with alcoholic beverages. She can also be found on the beach in summer (looking for sea monsters) or visiting Gunther at the museum or Jasper (if installed) in the forest.


Monthly Visits

Spring 15
9:00AM Arrives in the Archaeology House
11:30AM Heads towards the forest. Here she will stand beside Jasper (if installed).
5:30PM Heads into the Saloon
9:00PM Departs Saloon and heads towards the bus
Spring 16
8:00AM Heads into Desert.
2:00PM Stands outside the Oasis.
Summer 15
9:00AM Arrives in the Archaeology House
11:30AM Visits the Beach.
6:00PM Heads towards the Saloon
9:00PM Departs Saloon and heads towards the bus
Fall 15
9:00AM Arrives in the Archaeology House
10:30AM Ventures into the Mountain.
2:00PM Loiters outside the Adventure Guild
6:00PM Heads towards the Saloon
9:00PM Departs Saloon and heads towards the bus
Winter 15
9:00AM Arrives in the Archaeology House
12:30AM Visits the Saloon.
4:00PM Attends the Night Market
7:20PM Departs the Market and heads towards the bus

Resident in the Valley

Staying in the Scarp
7:00AM Makes herself a coffee
8:30AM Visits the Museum.
12:00PM Stops by the see Clint
4:00PM Heads to the Saloon
9:00PM Departs Saloon and heads towards the Inn
7:00AM Makes herself a coffee
9:00AM Heads into Town and glances over the Billboard
12:00PM Enters the Seed Shop
2:00PM Heads to the Beach and stands on the wharf (looking for sea monsters?)
5:30PM Questions Willy while he's fishing
8:00PM Departs beach and heads towards the Inn
7:00AM Makes herself a coffee
8:30AM Heads into the Forest and stares at the Wizard's Tower.
1:00PM Stands near the Sewer Outlet.
4:00PM Heads to the Saloon
8:00PM Departs Saloon and heads towards the Inn

Pre-Social Events

Several events can be seen before Kataryna moves into the valley.

Summer on the Beach

Time: 12-5pm
Map: Beach
Season: Summer
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Vincent and Kataryna must be at the beach

A meeting in the Saloon

Time: After 6pm
Map: Saloon
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Kataryna must be in the Inn

Meeting your 'heros' (with Juliet)

Time: 9-12pm
Map: Town
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Must have Juliet at 4 hearts

The following events should be watched in order:

Kataryna Moves into the Inn

Time: Any
Map: Farm
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Josephine must have left town

Seeking an Assistant

Time: 12-5pm
Map: Saloon
Season: Any
Weather: Any
Extra: Must have seen the following events of Shane's: 6 and 8 hearts

Cryptid Hunting

Time: 4-7pm
Map: East Scarp
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Must have seen the above event

Bonus events with Juliet

The 'Kat's Away' Gang

Time: 10am-4pm
Map: Scarp Inn
Day: Not Tuesday
Extra: Must have seen the "Meeting your Heroes" event

A Haunting?

Time: 9am-12pm
Map: Scarp Inn
Extra: Five (or more) days after the 'Kat's Away' event

The Seance

Time: 8pm-12am
Map: Scarp Inn
Extra: You will receive an invitation in the mail


Time: 6am-12pm
Map: Scarp Inn
Extra: Must have seen 'The Seance'


Time: 12pm-6pm
Map: Beach
Day: Monday

A Decision

Time: 8am-4pm
Map: Bus Stop

After you have made a decision in the above event, Kataryna will either depart town forever (and no longer visit in the game) OR she will become social.

Heart Events

Hearts: 2

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: 9am-4pm
Map: East Scarp
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny

Hearts: 4

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Extra: Kataryna sends you a letter with a very special request
Time: 9am-3pm
Map: East Scarp
Season: Any
Weather: Sunny
Extra: Several days after fulfilling the above request
Time: 6-9am
Map: Bus Stop
Description: Meet with Eloise and Jacob
Time: 2pm-7pm
Map: Scarp Inn

Hearts: 5

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: 9am-6pm
Map: Museum
Extra: A few days after the 4-heart event series of events above

Hearts: 6

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: 8pm-12am
Map: Town
Extra: Must have seen the previous event

Hearts: 8

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png Heart24B.png

Time: 6pm-10pm
Map: Saloon
Extra: Must have seen the previous event

Hearts: (almost) 9

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png
(Friendship as high as you can get without dating Kataryna)

Time: 5am-12pm
Map: Farm
Extra: If no one is married or dating Kataryna
Time: 8am-1pm
Map: Bus Stop
Extra: After this event Kataryna moves out of the Inn and returns to Zuzu

Dating Events

Hearts: 9

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24B.png

Time: 6pm-10pm
Map: Cherry Orchard
Extra: This event reveals a little lore
Time: 9am-6pm
Map: Museum
Time: 11am-5pm
Map: Beach
Weather: Raining
Extra: Must have seen the above Museum event

Hearts: 10

 Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png Heart24R.png

Time: 6am-12pm
Map: Farm
Extra: Kataryna will invite you on a date
Time: 10pm-2am
Map: Deep Mountains
Weather: Sunny